Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Quilt or Afghan?
Hobby Lobby had Bernat cottontots yarn on sale last weekend for 40% off and I snatched up every skein they had of easter parade, strawberry, and grape berry. This yarn is so soft - I love working with it. And I love the idea of the baby blanket being a natural fiber, like cotton.
I've also been lurking over at Crochetville on a CAL thread called Every Happy House...There are pictures of some beautiful quilt-ghans.
I've realized that I have no shortage of initiative, because I have no trouble beginning projects with enthusiasm. My problem is actually finishing anything. I've thought about listing all of my WIPs on a single post, but it would take some time. Maybe I'll catagorize them by knit, crochet, needlepoint/cross-stitch, etc and list them separately at some point. Perhaps it will motivate me to bring some projects to completion.
In any case, I am determined to finish this crochet quilt in order to enter it in the county fair and also to ensure it makes it to the intended recipient in Maui prior to her actual arrival.
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Saturday, June 23, 2007
Meet Abby
Abby is the sweetest little girl, but definitely has the shih tzu stubborn streak.
We love her.
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Shih Tzu heaven
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Happy Anniversary Sweetie

This ring is the symbol of the circle.
It has no beginning and no end.
It is the oldest symbol of God
And represents the eternal and
endless Love that links us together.
It was on this very special night that we both saw a moonbow.
In one way, it doesn't seem like four years have passed already. In another way, it seems like it has always been like this. You've changed my life and made me feel whole again.
Now we will feel no rain
For each of us will be shelter to each other.
And now we will feel no cold
For each of us will be warmth to each other.
Now there is no loneliness
We are two bodies, but there is one life before us and one home.
When evening falls, I'll look to you and there you'll be.
And I'll take your hand and you'll take mine
And we'll turn together and we'll look to the road we traveled to reach this-
The hour of our happiness.
It stretched far behind us, and our future lies ahead--
A long and winding road where every turning means discovery
All the hopes, new laughter, shared tears,
The adventure has just begun.
And it continues...
This is what was delivered to me today.

The delivery person said, "Are you Barbie? Somebody loves Barbie." That made me almost as happy as the flowers.
For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart.
It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.
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Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
No More Mammograms

This is not a decision I’ve made lightly. My mom had a mastectomy almost 28 years ago and I am considered high risk for breast cancer. In fact, I had my first mammogram before I was age 40. I’ve had about 4 or 5 mammograms total and the last two resulted in false positives. I can’t tell you the duress that caused me. And then to be told after re-testing that I have very dense breast tissue which caused shadows on the x-ray film. I’m not subjecting myself to that again!
Here are some things I’ve learned after reading extensively on the topic of mammography:
- That the American Cancer Society is “more interested in accumulating wealth than saving lives." This is according to the articles, Is the American Cancer Society more interested in cancer profit than cancer prevention? and The Cure Con: how you're being deceived by charities that claim to be racing for the cure for cancer and other chronic diseases.
- That there is no safe dose of radiation. Breast cancer is more easily caused by radiation than are other kinds of cancers. A mammogram delivers about 1,000 times more radiation than a chest x-ray, which may increase the risk of cardiovascular damage.
- By the time a mammogram can detect breast cancer, it has been present in your body for 8-10 years. If a tumor is large enough to be detected by a mammogram, it's already in an advanced stage, so very few cancers are caught in the earliest and most treatable stages.
- The compression required for mammograms can actually break down cancer tissue and rupture small blood vessels that support the cancer, causing it to spread. How is it that medical students are taught to examine breasts gently to keep any possible cancer from spreading, yet radiologists are allowed to manhandle them for a mammogram?
- Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women between the ages of 40 and 55. These statistics have not changed since the introduction of the mammogram over 30 years ago. Studies have shown that women who have mammograms suffer about the same rates of death due to breast cancer as women who do not have mammograms.
- Mammography has nothing to do with prevention -- it detects cancers that have already occurred (if you are lucky as there is a common occurrence of false negatives).
- Cancer is not a disease. Cancer is just a name given to a pattern of symptoms appearing as a natural result of certain metabolic functions caused by lifestyle decisions. Cancer can't be cured with chemicals. It's no germ.
- That there are safe alternatives to the mammogram, such as digital mammography, digital infrared thermography, and the MRI.
- One of the most trusted sites I have come across for unbiased information is Breast Cancer Action.

Mostly about
health and fitness
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
To blog or not to blog
One thing that I’ve recently realized is that I either need to get on with this blog or forget it.
What is paralyzing me?
I read a variety of blogs every day. And I think I’ve finally figured it out. Perhaps that is my problem. I need to focus my attention on my own space. That is not to say that I should become some kind of blog hermit, rather that I should stop focusing on my own inadequacies and begin writing about my accomplishments. The purpose of establishing this place was to motivate myself to accomplish more, not to magnify my shortcomings (to myself).
I read about awe-inspiring creative art/knitting/crochet/quilting/needlepoint as well as bloggers who read an infinite number of interesting books, garden, cook and write brilliantly. Do any of these prolific overachievers have a full time job? Just saying.
I am a perfectionist and a procrastinator. This is not a good combination. If I can’t do everything perfectly well, then I don’t do anything.
I am a slow knitter, but I do it well. I can write when I put my mind to it. I have a demanding job, but they like me there and I don’t mind going in most days.
I am going to give this blog thing my attention for awhile to determine if it really will help me the way I initially thought. No one comes here except me anyway, so it’s not as though I have anything to lose. And, in my own defense, a lot has happened in the past year. I will write more about that later.
Now on to thinking about my next blog post.
What is paralyzing me?
I read a variety of blogs every day. And I think I’ve finally figured it out. Perhaps that is my problem. I need to focus my attention on my own space. That is not to say that I should become some kind of blog hermit, rather that I should stop focusing on my own inadequacies and begin writing about my accomplishments. The purpose of establishing this place was to motivate myself to accomplish more, not to magnify my shortcomings (to myself).
I read about awe-inspiring creative art/knitting/crochet/quilting/needlepoint as well as bloggers who read an infinite number of interesting books, garden, cook and write brilliantly. Do any of these prolific overachievers have a full time job? Just saying.
I am a perfectionist and a procrastinator. This is not a good combination. If I can’t do everything perfectly well, then I don’t do anything.
I am a slow knitter, but I do it well. I can write when I put my mind to it. I have a demanding job, but they like me there and I don’t mind going in most days.
I am going to give this blog thing my attention for awhile to determine if it really will help me the way I initially thought. No one comes here except me anyway, so it’s not as though I have anything to lose. And, in my own defense, a lot has happened in the past year. I will write more about that later.
Now on to thinking about my next blog post.
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Sunday, February 18, 2007
The Secret

We all know about parts of The Secret. You've heard of the Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale.
When my daughter came home for Christmas, she was reading the book Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks.
Now the film and book, The Secret, is making the concept of the universal law of attraction mainstream.
The New York and LA cosmopolitan crowd can make fun of The Secret to their heart's content, but this concept resonates with me because I used the law of attraction recently without realizing it.
I lived in the same small house for 21 years, part of that time with my ex-husband and part with my new husband. I raised my kids in that house. It was so past time for me to move from that house and I thought about it daily. I began waking up for several hours at night and I would fantasize about selling that home and buying a big, new, beautiful home. Soon I almost began to look forward to those sleepless nights. I would think about living in this new home in great detail and would go through my daily routine in the new house in my mind. I didn't share this with anyone, except to explain to my husband that I was having trouble sleeping and that I wanted a new home. That home sold in a little more than a week after listing it and we found our dream home about the same time. There were many obstacles we had to move through to reach the goal of the new home, but it happened! Down to many of the details I imagined during those sleepless nights.
After we moved into our new home, the sleepless nights stopped. I manifested my new home - in my mind.
Have you ever wondered what sets apart successful, happy people who are able to attain what they desire? See the film and you'll gain the insight.
I experienced it. I believe it.
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. - Buddha
Mostly about
law of attraction
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